
Join Us

For over 30 years Trinity Taekwon-Do has been helping children, adults and families realize their full personal potential. Our students grow both physically and mentally through the benefits of martial arts. If your considering martial arts for yourself or your child, we can help you improve your health, flexibility, balance, self-esteem, and awareness. A myriad of benefits await you at Trinity Taekwon-Do.

Class Information & Schedule

Trinity Taekwon-Do offers classes for every age and skill with many opportunities to train throughout the week.

Visitors and guests are always welcome to come, watch, and ask questions. For more information on classes or to request a brochure please email us at

The following opportunities are available for students to participate in Taekwon-Do training:

White thru Green Belts: 5:30pm – 6:20pm
Blue & Red Belts: 6:30pm – 7:20pm
Black Belts: 7:30pm – 8:45pm

White thru Green Belts: 5:30pm – 6:20pm
Blue & Red Belts: 6:30pm – 7:20pm
Black Belts: 7:30pm – 8:45pm

Black Belts: 5:30pm – 7:00pm

Beginning White Belts: 1:15pm – 2:00pm
Specialty Training*: 2:30pm – 3:45pm

COVID-19 Guidelines
Class sizes are limited to twelve (12) people per session. Masks must be worn at all times. Covid waivers must me signed prior to participation.

*Specialty Training
This can include sparring drills, breaking, Ho Sin Sul, patterns, and all aspects of Taekwon-Do……..

Interested or Have More Questions?

Martial arts training benefits both young and old in a vast variety of ways. These include: improved health, flexibility, balance, self-esteem and character growth.

Tenets of Taekwon-Do