Advanced Semi-Free Sparring
No-Contact Free Sparring (1 opponent)
No new stances.
Diagram: Capital “I”
Pattern Details: Video
Beginning Ready Stance: Open Parallel Ready Stance
Number of Movements: 30
Pattern Meaning: Choong-Moo was the name given to the great Admiral Yi Sum-Sin of the Yi Dynasty. He was reputed to have invented the first armored battleship (Kobukson) in 1592, which is said to the precursor to the modern day submarine.
The reason for the pattern ending with a left-hand attack is to symbolize his regrettable death. Checked by the forced reservation of his loyalty to the king, Yi Sun-Sin was given no chance in his lifetime to show his unrestrained potentiality.
Advanced Semi-Free Sparring
No-Contact Free Sparring (1 opponent)
Demonstrate the kick and land on the non-kicking leg with the kick maintained in a extended position as high as possible.
Practitioner shall develop a “scripted” Ho Sin Sul demonstration for a maximum of two (2) minutes. The demonstration should emphasize releases, joint locks, sweeps, takedowns and throws. The following attacks shall be used to demonstrate basic Ho Sin Sul against a single opponent.
Demonstrate against:
Hand-Breaking Techniques
Foot-Breaking Techniques
Power Foot Breaking
Technique Breaking
Hand-Breaking Techniques
Foot-Breaking Techniques
Power Foot Breaking
Technique Breaking
Hand-Breaking Techniques
Foot-Breaking Techniques
Power Foot Breaking
Technique Breaking
Practitioners desiring to test for 1st Dan Black Belt must complete a minimum of six (6) months of active training at the 1st Gup level before being considered eligible for promotion. Active training is generally considered as a minimum of seven (7) classes per month during a continuous six (6) month period.
Tournament competition is a requirement at this level. Practitioners must compete in a minimum of one (1) event. While patterns or breaking competition is recommended, participation in sparring competition fully satisfies this requirement.
Practitioners are required to become Class “C” certified instructors (Demonstrate knowledgeable proficiency in all color belt patterns).
Practitioners desiring to test for 1st Dan Black Belt must complete a minimum of twenty (20) hours of community service to be considered eligible for promotion.
Black is the opposite of white, therefore signifying the maturity and proficiency in Taekwon-Do. It also indicates the wearer’s impervious to darkness and fear.